December 18, 2011

Hello India!

Dear A,
The flight to Delhi was like a circus it was total chaos with the other passengers walking around the plane and yelling across it to speak to one another. I have never seen such behavior on a plane before and I have been on quite a few!! After six hours of the two men sitting beside me arguing extremely loudly about some business deal we arrived and I really wasn't sure what I was getting myself into!!
Delhi is crazy, there are sooo many people and I was "lucky" enough to experience one of their traffic jams on my first day while trying to get from the Red Fort to the airport. Absolute madness...rickshaws, motorbikes, cars, bicycles, pedestrians and motos all trying to fight for that tiny bit of road to get ahead. I thought China was bad for the constant honking but India definitely wins hands down...there's a constant loud unnecessary honking which you just can't escape.
Alisha and I had a little time to fill in before our flight to Kathmandu so we headed off to the Red Fort. It was constructed back in the 17th century by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for the royal family. We wandered around the massive fort which is in ruins now and were of real interest to the Indian locals who were also visiting and taking a lot of photos of us.
Wish you were here you would love getting amongst this chaos!!!
Talk to you soon from Nepal... So excited for the thing we have planned there.
Love E xx

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